Kiln dry firewood

Kiln Dry Logs For Sale

Propell GMBH supply the best quality Kiln dry logs  for sale  of Oak, beech, ash and hornbeam wood all year round.

. Wood from the full trunk
. For Small and large quantities
. Delivery throughout the globe
. Delvery per m3

We produce and supply kiln dry firewood  logs from meter length sawn to 25cm , 333cm or 50 cm long

Delivered manually stacked on a trailer so you will not get any loose stars

Buy kiln dry Logs for sale 

Wood extremely suitable for grill, restaurant and pizzerias
Oven dried with sanitary certificate
guaranteed free from insects

Buy Kiln Dry Logs Online

What is Firewood?
It is any wooden material that is gathered and used for fuel and heating.

Kiln dry logs for sale

Generally, it is not highly processed and is in some sort of recognizable log or branch form, compared to other forms of wood fuel like pellets or chips. Firewood can be seasoned or unseasoned. It is generally classified as hardwood or softwood.

Did you know that Kilns are sometimes used to dry firewood more quickly.

It logs are made only of hardwood, they are environmentally friendly and do not contain resin.

Production technology of our hardwood firewood starts from thorough selection of wood for further processing. We select only healthy trees and eliminate unhealthy ones. Only healthy trees guarantee quality hardwood logs that have balanced humidity, size and weight. Kiln dry logs by Propell Gmbh is of high quality and efficiency since it burns more slowly. Such firewood is perfect for cooking, barbeque and wood burning stoves for pizza preparation. We have a special offer for pizzerias, which is firewood without bark.

We have both fresh logs made out of beech and season firewood that underwent chamber drying, with humidity up to 22%. This is the previous firewood drying that ensures its proper quality of burning.

We can offer Fir, Pine, Ash, Oak, Birch, Hornbeam, Alder, Beech, kiln dry logs (from Germany) firewood and mixed soft wood firewood.

– Fresh (35-55%);
– Naturally dry (20-25%);
– Dry (<20%).

Dimensions (sizes):
– Length : 25 сm, 33 сm, 30 and 45 cm and 50 сm.
– Diameter: 8-16 cm.

Firewood is also packed into special wooden containers (bags) which are easy to unload, move and store. Wooden containers are also called crates.

Package Mode:
– 1m х 1m х 1m (1m³ ),
– 1m х 1m х 1.8m (1,8m³),
– 1m х 1m х 2m (2m³).

We sell our ready-to-use firewood in convenient bags of 22, 30 and 40 liters.

1) FULL CORD: A full cord of it is an amount of wood that fills a space equal to 8 feet long, 4 feet high, and 4 feet deep. 128 Cubic Feet.

2) HALF A CORD: A 1/2 cord of it is an amount of wood that fills a space equal to 4 feet long, 4 feet high, and 4 feet deep. 64 Cubic Feet.

3) FACE CORD (1/3 CORD): A 1/2 cord of it is an amount of wood that fills a space equal to 4 feet long, 8 feet high, and 16″ (Log) 42.6 Cubic Feet.

4) QUARTER CORD (1/4 CORD): A 1/2 cord of it is an amount of wood that fills a space equal to 4 feet long, 6 feet high, and 16″ (Log) 32 Cubic Feet